Planswift On-Screen Take-Off

I wanted to share some exciting news about TurboBid that I think will make your life a whole lot easier.

One of the standout features of TurboBid is the take-off screen. With this tool, you can quickly enter material quantities, saving you valuable time. But here's where it gets really interesting - you can break down the take-off by individual rooms or locations. Imagine the impression you'll make on your customers when you submit a quantity take-off report organized by room or location. It's like being a rock star in the construction industry!

Now, here's where TurboBid takes things up a notch. We've integrated with Planswift on-screen take-off software. This means you can measure lengths for conduits, wiring, and cables with incredible speed and accuracy. Plus, TurboBid effortlessly adds up the total number of switches, receptacles, light fixtures, and more.

But that's not all. When you're counting different electrical symbols, TurboBid highlights the symbols on the print to show that you've counted them. It's a foolproof way to ensure accuracy. And when you're measuring per foot assemblies like Homeruns and trenching, TurboBid allows you to select the starting point with your cursor and draw a line on the print. The linear measurement is then automatically entered into TurboBid's take-off screen, along with the corresponding quantities of pipe, wire, couplings, and straps.

Now, I want to make it clear that you don't actually need Planswift to complete a take-off in TurboBid. You can view your digital prints in a PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat, mark the electrical symbols manually, and enter the quantities into TurboBid's take-off screen. It's completely hassle-free.

However, using Planswift with TurboBid does offer some incredible benefits. Not only are the count quantities automatically entered into TurboBid, saving you even more time, but you also have the ability to scale the print and add linear measurements directly into the take-off screen. It's all about convenience and maximizing your return on investment.

So, whether you choose to use Planswift or not, TurboBid is here to revolutionize the way you do take-offs. It's a game-changer, and I can't wait for you to experience it firsthand.

If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help.

If you order Planswift through our shopping cart, the price is $1,750, versus $1,749 from Planswift.

If you order the TurboBid / Planswift package through our shopping cart, the price is $3,090, versus $3,145 from Planswift.


Download a Free Trial of Planswift


Click here to view a video demonstration of the On-Screen Take-Off



You may also use the following optional TurboBid Symbol Library to add symbols to your prints for value engineering or for design build. Each symbol is also available with a red circle around it. These red circled symbols can be used for value engineering to easily identify the symbols that you have added to the blueprint.







Fire Alarm

Power Symbols

