Planswift On-Screen Take-Off
TurboBid includes a take-off screen that allows you to quickly enter material quantities. You can even choose to break up the take-off into individual rooms or locations. Submitting a quantity take-off report by room or location to your customer is going to make you look like a rock star.
TurboBid interfaces with Planswift on-screen take-off software. Measure lengths for conduits, wiring and cables quickly and accurately. Adds total number of switches, receptacles, light fixture, etc. with ease.
When counting the different electrical symbols (these symbols are associated with assemblies in TurboBid), the symbols on the print will be highlighted indicating that you have counted the symbol.
When measuring anything that represents a per foot assembly in TurboBid (Homeruns, trenching, etc.), you will select where to start the run with your cursor, and when you move the cursor, a line will be drawn on the print. When you stop, the line will remain and the linear measurement will be entered into TurboBid's take-off screen. TurboBid will automatically calculate the amount of pipe, wire, couplings, straps, etc.
Please understand that you do not need Planswift to complete a take-off in TurboBid. You don't even need Planswift to view digital prints. You can always view your digital prints in a PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat, mark the electrical symbols on the print as you count them, and manually enter the quantities into TurboBid's take-off screen.
However, there are benefits in using Planswift with TurboBid. Having the count quantities automatically entered into TurboBid is pretty cool. So is the ability to scale the print and add linear measurements into TurboBid's take-off screen.
It all comes down to convenience and your perceived return on investment.