Analyze and Adjust an Estimate's Material List
Group the Material List
By Category
Every item in TurboBid falls under a specific category.
By Job Phase
Grouping by job phase allows you view how many man hours each phase will take to complete.
By Manufacturer
Grouping by manufacturer allows you to ensure that you're using the correct material.
By Price Source
* List Price: Manufacturers suggested price.
* TurboBid Price: Proprietary matrix used to update material prices every month that reflect the average national cost through a supply house.
* Lowest Vendor Price: Each item can have multiple vendor prices. This setting will automatically use the lowest priced vendor cost.
* Default Vendor Price: If you purchase an item from a specific vendor.
Material Screen's Group By Video
View Package Quantities for Minimum Order Quantities
Every item in TurboBid includes a package quantity.
* Conduit is usually sold in lengths of 10 - 20 feet.
* Wire is usually on spools or in boxes and include a specific amount of feet.
* Screws are usually sold in packages that contain a specific quantity.
Video Tutorial: The following Video Tutorial is included in TurboBid. It will teach you how to use the Package Quantity of the material screen.
The items in TurboBid's assemblies typically represent the amount of material required.
* An assembly might include 5 feet of conduit and 7 feet of wire. This means that even though the estimate includes a quantity for an item, you might be required to order the minimum package quantity.
The material screen includes a column that displays the items package quantity. If the package quantity is greater than the bid quantity, an alert icon will be displayed notifying you that you need to adjust the order quantity.
The material screen also includes a column that displays the order quantity. If you click on the package quantity's alert icon, the order quantity will automatically be updated to reflect the order quantity needed. You can also manually update the order quantity in case you have enough material in stock.
View the Cost of Additional Material Ordered
The material screen includes a column that will display the cost of any additional material that you had to order due to a minimum order quantity.
Add the Additional Material Cost to the Estimate
The material screen includes a column for selecting to add the additional cost to the estimate. Most of the time you will be able to use any additional material ordered due to a minimum order quantity on a future project, as long as the material is common to your type of work. However, there may come a time where you'll need to order additional material the you may never use on a future project. Simply check the Add Cost checkbox to add the additional cost to the estimate.
View or Change the Items Price Source
The material screen allows you to reset all of the items to their Default Values, Lowest Vendor, List Price, TurboBid Price, or to a Specific Vendor.
Every item in TurboBid includes the ability to select a default price source.
* List Price: Manufacturers suggested price.
* TurboBid Price: Proprietary matrix used to update material prices every month that reflect the average national cost through a supply house.
* Lowest Vendor Price: Each item can have multiple vendor prices. This setting will automatically use the lowest priced vendor cost.
* Default Vendor Price: If you purchase an item from a specific vendor.
Video Tutorial: The following Video Tutorial is included in TurboBid. It will teach you how to change the price source in the material screen.
Allow Material to be Replaced with a Different Item
TurboBid has the ability to update your database to reflect changes in items and assemblies. If an item has been discontinued, we add (Discontinued) to the end of the item description and move the item into a Discontinued folder.
This means that it's possible that a discontinued item might make it's way to the material screen. You might also need to replace material to reflect what your supply house carries.
You have the ability to import a list of material that your supply house carries. TurboBid's admin team is constantly adding new items to our database. The items that we add to the database include detailed descriptions, UPC #, Catalog #, Manufacturer, List Price, TurboBid Price, Unit of Measure, Package Quantity, Labor Unit, Picture of the Item, Catalog, Spec Sheet, Warranty, Specifications, etc. In other words, the items that we add will probably include more detail than the items that you add.
If we have added the same item that you have added, it will result in duplicate UPC numbers. If this happens, the material screen will display the item that you created with a warning icon. You can easily replace the item that you created with the item that TurboBid's admin team created.
You can right click on an item and select to replace the item. You can choose to change the item in every assembly in the database or just the assemblies in the estimate.
Video Tutorial: The following Video Tutorial is included in TurboBid. It will teach you how to replace material that your vendor doesn't carry in the material screen.
Open the Material Listed in the Material Screen
Clicking on the material will open the item editor. This will allow you to view the item's information or print the various documents such as catalogs, spec sheets, warranties, etc.