Residential Electric Estimates for TurboBid Owners
My name is Bill Ruffner. I am TurboBid's founder and CEO
I will be the TurboBid employee that will estimate your residential electrical projects.
Before I started TurboBid, I was a union electrician (IBEW 176) and a union electrical contractor for a couple of decades in Illinois. We focused mainly on the residential market. Our customers were builders who built large custom homes, as well as national builders that built huge communities around the country.
I actually built TurboBid so that my company could have a better estimating system. At that time, I believe we were using an Excel spreadsheet to estimate our projects.
If you ever need help with estimating, you can hire me to complete estimates for you.
There is no reason for you to hire an estimator and be forced to add their salary to your overhead cost. You need to keep your overhead costs as low as possible so that you can win more jobs and grow your company into a powerhouse.
I will update your database's material prices, as well as add the new items and assemblies via TurboCloud.
We maintain a master database on a secure Microsoft Azure server.
* Every week on Monday, we update our material item prices.* We continue to add new items and assemblies on a regular basis.
* If an item has a new UPC #, Catalog #, or a new Labor Unit, we revise them.
* We continue to add new folders where needed for your convenience.
* If an item has been discontinued by the manufacturer, we add (Discontinued) to the end of the item's description and move the item into a Discontinued folder.
* The TurboCloud synchronization process allows us to maintain your database for you, at a much lower cost than what you would incur if you were to maintain your own database.
* The 6-month subscription equals $89 per month.
* The 12-month subscription equals $79 per month.
* Click this link to purchase TurboCloud:
I will help you complete the employee burden wizard and the overhead calculator so that your estimates use the correct cost values.
If either your burden or overhead costs are higher than they should be, you will not be awarded the job because your bid price will be too high.
If your burden or overhead costs are lower than they should be, you will lose money on the job, and eventually be forced to close your company.
I will use Planswift On-Screen Take-Off to complete the take-offs. This means that you will need to provide me with digital prints in the form of a PDF. Most home builders will provide you with digital PDF blueprints.
You can send me a copy of your TurboBid database
This will ensure that your estimates use your true cost values. This will include your employees pay rate per hour, their burden rates per hour, and your overhead cost per hour.
You can update your supply house pricing with Tra-Ser
You also have the ability to use Trade Service's Supplier xChange, which will update your active estimates material pricing to reflect the cost that you're paying your supply house for your material items.
If your supply house does not carry a specific UPC number, an exception report will be generated. The exception report will include a list of alternate items that your supply house carries. You can easily add this list of alternate items to your local database.
Supplier xChange, or TurboPricer, will ensure that your material costs are extremely accurate.
The cost for Tra-Ser Electrical Monthly Subscription is $99 per month.
I will complete a Per Plan take-off, a Value Engineered take-off, and any Optional take-offs
In the material take-off tab, I will complete a Per Plan take-off, a Value Engineered take-off, and any Option tabs that are included in the blueprint.
Once I complete the estimate, I will send you back the database that includes the estimate. This will allow you to open the estimate in TurboBid and make any adjustments that you think are needed.
I recommend that you purchase a Western Digital 1TB My Passport Portable External Hard Drive from Amazon for $65. 1TB is a lot of storage. You can open TurboBid and select the database that you want to open that's located on the passport.
Once you receive the completed estimate, we can get together in a screen sharing session and go over the estimate together.
This will give us a chance to go over the estimate so that you can understand everything that I included in the estimate.
I will provide you with a professional bid package
I will create a job folder that has the name of your customer. I will also create a folder for each project. This folder will include a complete bid package. Each document will include the name of the document, as well as reference the project. You can simply attach the documents that you want to send to your customer to an email.
Our bid package is so good that most of your customers will expect that your work on their project will equal the quality of your bid package. This usually means that they will be so impressed with your bid package, that they will not require you to be the lowest bid price. This will reflect a higher profit margin for all of your projects.
Please click the following link to view the bid package documents.
This will be a great way for us to dial in your TurboBid estimating software, so that you can better understand how to complete estimates for yourself.
Best Regards,
Bill Ruffner
Founder & CEO